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S O M A  T A L E S

If the universal language had a voice, what would it say?

If it could move, how would it dance the communication?

If it could be visually imagined, what colors and shapes would it take?

The urgency for connection is a whole-body experience and our approach to it derives from our personal mythology.

The term “language” is described as “the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community”. But how often language creates a barrier rather than a path for connection?

What if we trust the primal knowledge of our body, fed by the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which life exposures and stories are being manifested, in order to accomplish unity.


By experiencing ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, separated from the whole where we belong, we create a consciousness-delusion, which functions like a prison that defines our microcosmos. By caring only for our needs and desires, and for the few people that we can be reached by and resonate with, we feed the disconnection that brings us even further away from the best version of ourselves and our highest potential.


But how can we expand the tight circle of empathy and compassion, free ourselves from this prison, and celebrate all animate and inanimate manifestations of the universe around us?




Playing with connection and communication, evolving and deconstructing our different languages, while decodifying and alternating their use, we got triggered to create our own ones. And here are our stories..

Concept & Choreography: Malvina Lorida. 

Performers: Hannah Froese, Johanna Junghans, Maxine Mehler, Julia Pfister, Lucille Seibert, Franziska Ullrich, Friederike Wagner
Filming: Deborah Smith-Wicke
Video Editing: Christos Bourelias

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